03. Practice: Conditional Statements

Practice: Which Prize

Write an if statement that lets a competitor know which of these prizes they won based on the number of points they scored, which is stored in the integer variable points.

Points Prize
1 - 50 wooden rabbit
51 - 150 no prize
151 - 180 wafer-thin mint
181 - 200 penguin
All of the lower and upper bounds here are inclusive, and points can only take on positive integer values up to 200.

In your if statement, assign the result variable to a string holding the appropriate message based on the value of points. If they've won a prize, the message should state "Congratulations! You won a [prize name]!" with the prize name. If there's no prize, the message should state "Oh dear, no prize this time."

Note: Feel free to test run your code with other inputs, but when you submit your answer, only use the original input of points = 174. You can hide your other inputs by commenting them out.

Start Quiz:

points = 174  # use this input to make your submission

# write your if statement here
